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Information for Softball Representatives


10/20/24 (Sunday) 5pm Randolph Town Hall

Vote on Rule Proposals.


  • Allowing for DP/Flex in tournament only for 14U (yes or no vote).
  • No more than 3 double rostered players permitted per team (alternative would be to allow 4).
  • No age-exceptions for coach-pitch, so only 5-6U girls can be rostered on a gcp1. 7-8u players would be gcp2 (yes or no vote)
  • No time limit for spring championship games, so they would play a full 6/7 innings (yes or no vote)
  • Allow courtesy runner for pitcher with (yes, anytime. Yes, with 2 outs. No).
  • The Home Team must provide the game balls during spring season games.
  • Only the 6th inning (7th for 12U and 14U) can be unlimited. An earlier inning can’t be declared as “unlimited” runs. (“yes” implements this and removes that an umpire can declare an inning as unlimited due to darkness or inclement weather. “No” keeps as is).
  • Coach-pitch clarification that coach-pitcher must start with both feet in the circle and one foot must remain in the circle until the pitch is delivered.
  • Clarify that a player that arrives late to a game can be added to the bottom of the batting order after the start of the game providing it is prior to the 3rd inning (there will not an “out” recorded unless the team is batting less than 9).  


For softball, there will also be an additional discussion on the age cutoff.

Here are some options to consider:

  • Keep age cutoff as it is (Jan 1 cutoff so the 2025 age division is based on their age on 12/31/24).
  • Sept cutoff of prior year (their age 8/31/24) – This is what USA adjusted youth cutoff to this year. Keep in mind, the cutoff would be almost 8 months prior to the start of spring season and 1 full year prior to start of fall.  For example, a girl turned 15 September 1st or later of this year would be able to play 13/14U FP next season…A girl that turned 11 Sept 1st or later this year could play 9/10U FP next spring. 
  • Sept cutoff of current year (their age 8/31/25) – For example, a girl that is 8 at start of season, but turns 9 in May, June, July, August, they need to play 9/10U FP.
  • Use a start of season age cutoff, so May 1st of current season (their age on 4/30/25).



NeoBaseball, Ltd. - Northeast Ohio Youth Baseball & Softball Sponsors